Homegrown Beetroot

I planted the beetroot seeds in the spring, directly into the soil, with little faith that they would amount to anything. Trying to get the best use of my garden I planted them in the space between the french bean canes. My mistake was that to my surprise the beetroot grew very well and could have done with being thinned out. 
Its now summer and I have started harvesting those that are ready.

How to cook beetroot.
Once picked cut the leaves off, about 1 inch from the beetroot and leave on the root. This prevents the beetroot from 'bleeding' and discolouring during cooking.

Cover the beetroot with water. Bring to the boil and reduce to simmer for 30 minutes.

When cooled, cut off the root and top. The skin should slide off easily. You may want to wear rubber gloves to prevent staining your hands. Beetroot freezes well or can be pickled using white wine vinegar.

Do not throw away the beetroot leaves; wash the smaller leaves and eat raw in a salad or leaves can be cooked and eaten like spinach.
Do not throw away the cooked peelings, tops and roots; these are very nutritious as chickens feed. 
